Mobile: Build and connect to self-hosted server
The up to date instructions to build the mobile apps are in the Ente Photos and Ente Auth READMEs. When building or running, you can use the
parameter to get these builds to connect to your custom self-hosted server.
As a short summary, you can install Flutter and build the Photos app this way:
cd ente/mobile
git submodule update --init --recursive
flutter pub get
# Android
flutter run --dart-define=endpoint=http://localhost:8080 --flavor independent --debug -t lib/main.dart
# iOS
flutter run --dart-define=endpoint=http://localhost:8080
Or for the auth app:
cd ente/auth
git submodule update --init --recursive
flutter pub get
flutter run --dart-define=endpoint=http://localhost:8080
# Android
flutter run --dart-define=endpoint=http://localhost:8080 --flavor independent --debug -t lib/main.dart
# iOS
flutter run --dart-define=endpoint=http://localhost:8080
How to build non-debug builds
For building APK, setup your keystore and run
flutter build apk --release --flavor independent -t lib/main.dart